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City of Kent
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2025 Charter Review Committee
Every 10 years we review the City Charter. If you want to be involved, or want to know more, visit the Our Government page on our website.
Babysitter Training
Red Cross Babysitter Training is offered by Kent Parks & Recreation. Participants will receive a Babysitter’s Training Handbook, Emergency Reference Guide, and CD-ROM that they will keep following the training, as well as a certificate to show their successful passage of the course.
Economic Development News
Periodically, our Economic Development Director provides updates to Council and the City Manager. Now you will have access to these updates in business developments in Kent! As new information is available, we will post it here so that everyone can learn about new places to shop and eat, as well as other changes happening.
Economic Activity Jun - Oct 2024
Engineering Projects Update
The City Engineering Division is responsible for planning and implementing the city’s capital improvement projects. This encompasses a wide range of projects: street and sidewalk repairs, bridge repairs, major road improvements, and replacing/maintaining the operation of our sewer and water facilities. If you want to learn how projects are prioritized and what's on the horizon, check out our quarterly updates.
Adult Egg Scramble
Participants will collect as many eggs of the thousands spread throughout Fred Fuller Park as they can. Each egg contains at least one raffle ticket that could win one of the major prizes after the scramble, while some other eggs will also contain numbers that relate directly to one of many smaller prizes.
What's Happening
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